12 Tips For Learning How to Surf

1. Always watch the ocean.
Good surfers always have their eyes peeled on the horizon, looking for what surprises the ocean may throw their way. Turning to face the beach is one of the most dangerous things to do as you might end up head first into the sand or coral. When you learn it is easy to forget that a wave may approach at any time and from any angle.

2. Rip Currents
Rips can be a blessing or a danger. Always know before you enter the water where rip currents are, what direction they are running and how far out to sea do they go. Surfers often use rips to help them get out the back, but they can become dangerous when you lose your board and cannot swim well. Flow with rip currents if you are in them and learn to read the ocean before paddling out.

3. Surfing Fitness and Surf Training
By participating in surf training and improving your surf fitness before you enter the ocean you enhance your own safety and will improve faster as a surfer. Surfing is a demanding sport that will challenge your fitness levels, strength and endurance. The best surf training is spent on improving surfing fitness combined with specific strength training for surfing and time in the water. Surf Training involves a lot of diverse movements that will help with your movements in the water.

4. Paddling Power
The ocean is very strong and you will find out very quickly that you need to be able to paddle with power when you go surfing. In order to do this work on your surf training and also ensure your paddling technique is good. Many surfers lose their energy and momentum because they cannot generate speed and power when paddling.

5. Wax all of your Board
So many learners forget to wax the spots where their hands go to prevent falling when popping up and also forget to wax the entire board, thinking they will only need wax for their feet. When out in the ocean you will move your feet to different area’s and will want to have as much surface area covered as possible for grip.

6. Catch the wave before you stand.
Many learners think the goal is to stand up, that comes second. First you have to use your surf training and paddle power to catch the wave. Only after you know you have caught the wave and you feel the waves power can you then stand up and start to surf. The only exception is when using a stand up paddle board.

7. Stay out of the impact zone
The energy area where waves are consistently breaking and good surfers are taking off from is the most dangerous area for anyone to be. If you get trapped there, point your board to the beach and go in for a rest before moving down the beach to paddle back out again.

8. Learn in a comfortable environment.
It is very difficult to enjoy learning when you are cold, shivering or in a place that is covered in rocks and reefs. Learn in a spot that has smaller waves and in a warm environment so you can spend more time in the water focusing on practice and technique.

9. Know your Limits.
It is very easy to look out at breaking waves and think they are small and easy to surf. When you paddle out you may realize you are out of your league. Surfers like to push themselves into bigger and faster waves, just know what your level is and avoid endangering yourself or others by going out in conditions that may be too much for your current limits.

10. Weight Training for Surfing
Being strong with good muscular endurance for surfing can be effectively achieved in the gym. Weight training for surfing in a circuit format is one of the best ways to improve surfing fitness as it challenges many energy systems in the body used for surfing. Avoid doing any form of training that is not surf training specific.

11. Surround yourself with Friends.
Learning is a humbling experience and also a fun one when shared with friends. Find a group of people and develop your skills together.

12. Treat others with respect.
There can be a lot of people in the water at one time trying to catch waves. Treat people with respect and share the waves, another one will always come along and sharing the ocean is what surfing is all about.

So enjoy the ocean, use these points to improve your surfing and remember surf training and improved surf fitness is the base of catching more waves.

Hayden Rhodes has coached professional and amateur athletes improve their performance through scientific personal training, hormonal testing, nutritional coaching and performance principles.

If your a professional surfer or just getting started and want to improve as a surfing athlete then please visit http://SurfTrainingSecrets.com. Do you want to improve as a surfer?

For a free 5 day coaching guide on boosting your surfing performance please visit http://SurfTrainingSecrets.com

I look forward to your questions and comments.

Thank you for being ON BOARD with Hayden Rhodes

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Hayden_Rhodes/1006429

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/6555629

Should You Buy A Surfboard Online Or At Your Local Surf Shop?

With the growth of the internet, the ease and availability of ordering surfing products and buying surfboards of all types online has become an acceptable way to shop and purchase a new board. However, buying a surfboard at your local surf shop may be preferable because you can touch it, pick it up and feel it, and talk to a sales representative face to face. One of the reason I loved with surf comp app is it’s reliability during surfing events.

One disadvantage may be that your local surf shop may have a limited supply of surfboards because inventory requires large cash outlays. Most retail surf shops concentrate on clothing as their main product emphasis thus reducing their surfboard inventory to few types and designs. This is also true with most online surf shops, but normally they do not have to carry inventory and drop ship their surfboards from a variety of surfboard shapers and manufacturers. There a probably a number of retail surf shops within 10 to 20 miles of your surfing community, which can give you more of a chance to purchase the surfboard you are looking for.

Online you have a very wide selection of surfboards, probably more than you will have from your local surf area. You can search for surfboards by type and design and also by “online surfboard shops” and you will most likely be able to find several one-stop surf shops with a wide selections of good surfboards.

Over the years, many people have become too busy to go shopping for a surfboard, bodyboard, or SUP at the local surf shops. It takes a lot of investigating and time. Once you take the time and go to your local surf shop, more often than not, the surf shop will have a very limited selection, which means that you will have to drive to another shop in hopes of finding what you want. Another disadvantage is that the sales staff will put pressure on you and try to push you to buy one of their surfboards even if it doesn’t fit your needs. This is especially true for the beginners and novice surfboard riders.

If you go to the local surf shop, try to hook up with a senior member of the sales staff with lots of surfing experience. You need someone with experience to guide you. Many of the surf shop sales staff are young kids with not too much surfing experience and not much knowledge about surfboards and what should be good for you the individual buyer.

Most of the surf shops sell surfboards and other surfboard types and designs that are produced by their local shapers so choices for the buyer are limited. Some of these shapers make very good surfboards, but be careful because you may end up with a surfboard that is not suited for you. Typically, these shops are limited by available funds and keep a minimum inventory of surfboards on hand. They have wide selections of t-shirts, board shorts, sweatshirts, tank tops and other clothing items, which are their mainstream of revenue. Surf shops today are mainly clothing stores, not surfboard shops like they were in the past.

Since the advent of the internet, online surfboard shops have come into vogue. It has taken a long time for this to happen, but slowly the public has become comfortable going online and searching for a surfboard of their choosing. There are also many online surfboard stores that will give you a wide selection of surfboard types and designs.

You may also find a local surf shop that carries the surfboard you are looking for, which will allow you to save on shipping costs and actually see the board you are buying. Sometimes you can find a local surf shop that carries the surfboard you are looking for, so many buyers go online to find out what is available in their local shops.

If you know what you want and don’t need to see or feel the surfboard, go online where more often than not you can get a custom surfboard of the size, design, and colors of your choice. You will be in a virtual surf shop and the nice thing is that, while you are shopping for your surfboard, you can shop for the surfboard fins, leash, wax, and the clothing items you might need like a new pair of board shorts.

Since security of payments on the internet has become safe and not a problem, you can pay with your credit card when you make the purchase. It has taken many years for most people to trust the internet when ordering products, especially the baby boomers who didn’t grow up with the internet. Now, it seems that just about everyone is ordering products online ranging from vitamins to automobiles. Somewhere in between are the surfboards and other surfing products.

Just as there are retail local surf shops, there are online surfboard companies offering a wide selection for surfboard types including soft and hard surfboards, standup paddleboards (SUPs), bodyboards, skimboards, and custom surfboards. The excellent companies have a cross section of designer boards made by the better known companies and top of the line surfboard designers and shapers. They offer these surfboards in various sizes and the product lines to meet the requests for most surfboard buyers. If you want a shortboard, you can find it in any size you desire. The same is true for bodyboards, skimboards and SUPs. If you want a custom surfboard, you can get it.

If you live in a remote area and are looking for any of the above mentioned surfboard types or designs, shopping online can be a big advantage. Most of the companies offer a window where you can return their products if they do not suit your needs or if there is any shipping damage.

It is amazing how the sport of surfing has grown to the interiors of our country and those overseas. People are surfing on manmade wave machines at surf parks, on lakes and rivers and just about anywhere there is water. As the sport has grown, there are a growing number of inland retail surf shops, many included in the local sporting goods stores. If these stores are not available, go to the internet and find an online store.

If you choose not to purchase your new surfboard from a retail surf shop, you will find that the online surf companies offer their product with a comprehensive explanation of each of their surfboards and surfing products, which gives the buyer a great feel for the board. Typically their pricing is fair and consistent with industry standards and sometimes better for the online shopper. Shipping is easy and your new surfboard comes with a limited warranty just as it would at your local retail outlet.

One thing that is very important when ordering from an online surfboard company is to ask questions if you have any. You should also be able to talk to an expert. Every good internet online company should have an expert on their staff for you to consult. Before you contact an online surf company, do your homework before placing your order.

Wherever you purchase your new surfboard, get yourself a great surfboard, bodyboard, skimboard or SUP and go surfing. Have fun and always remember to Surf Life!

Oak Street Surf, [http://www.oakstreetsurf.com], is a one-stop online surf shop representing the latest surfboard products and accessories.

You can get a good review of top of the line surfboard types and designs including bodyboards, skimboards, SUPs, longboards, and shortboards. Let us customize one of our surfing design types for you.

We believe that surfing, whether it is bodysurfing, boogie boarding, board surfing, skimboarding or riding a Standup Paddleboard (SUP) will change your life forever.

You will be able to apply the love you will obtain from surfing to everything you do and will learn how to Surf Life! What a joy!! Visit Oak Street Surf at [http://www.oakstreetsurf.com] and talk to the experts with over 70 years of surfing experience. Visit the site now!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Chuck_Herpick/1477936

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7868684

Logo Design Competitions – An Assembly of Useless Premature Design Abortions With Your Money Gone

The fact that the term logo is used should be an immediate clue of what is on offer. Remember “logo” is the traditional term to describe a symbol, such as a pictograph, which forms the centrepiece of a corporation or organisation’s corporate brandmark identity. These online sites take a stab at designing the logo which is only the symbol part of a brandmark, ignoring all the other elements such as the descriptor and slogan, the correct name and colour that result in the creation of a successful brandmark. In addition, the lack of a clear brand and design strategy and a proper brief will most certainly assure a disastrous result. Critical issues such as the rollout and the implementation of the brandmark across all media are ignored. Be warned, most of the time it ends up as a very poor effort altogether with a possible lawsuit of copyright infringement attached. The onlinelogomaker makes your life more easier using their existing logo from their archives which you can incorporate on your own logo.

I must warn you that the advertising and design industry is very promiscuous. I don’t mean this in the context of prostitutes, at least they charge for their services. I am talking about repeatedly doing it for free with any John, Dick or Jane and in the company of many. It is called pitching and online, disguised in many forms.

So, it does not come as a surprise to see the following lewd proposals on the Web. Offer a prize (as little as US$50 sometimes) and run an online logo competition on one of the logo competition websites and get hundreds of logos to choose from.

The online logo competitions usually go something like this: the competition holder (client) registers with the website, completes a very short standard brief with Yes/No tick boxes. The client adds a few comments of his/her own, sets a deadline and then pays the prize money, which could be anything from as little as US$50.

Then the amateur and wannabe designers who have also registered on the website, submit their designs or shall we say ideas. The competition holder ranks the ideas in order of preference with reasonable comments and sometimes not so reasonable demands, which could continue until judgement day. A winner is declared after some judging takes place, he or she gets paid, leaving a multitude of unhappy masochist amateur or wannabe designers and Mr/s Miser, the client, presumably satisfied.

This whole process is seriously flawed from both the so-called designer’s and client’s perspective. The design process is completely guided by the client who knows less than the so-called designer about brandmark design. The brief, already inadequate at the start, can and frequently does change during the competition. As there is no design strategy, this leads to several walks up and down the garden path full of the poor wannabe’s emotions caused by the whims of the client. Colour, typographical and other design changes are demanded and made without thought or question, and the client’s winning selection is not necessarily the best design.

This stab in the dark and shotgun approach continues on both the so-called designers’ and wannabes’ side. Why are these so-called designers willing to do a job they might not get paid for? You guessed right; they are out of a job and/or unemployable, and definitely extremely desperate. Why? Because they are generally useless at design, are truly at the bottom of the barrel or otherwise so inexperienced that nobody wants to hire them. They do not use their real names and frequently hail from places like Kascopystan, a host of Third-World countries and the like.

So would you like an out-of-work useless designer or an amateur wannabe to design your brandmark; something that could make or break the existing or future enterprise you have or are still planning to invest some serious money in? If so, then you are not serious about your business or money and deserve what could come your way in the form of brand failure or at worst, a lawsuit. That’s right, we are talking about copyright infringement.

These out-of-a-job and/or unemployable and definitely desperate wannabe blokes are known – after searching the Web with the help of some keywords on a search engine – to copy an existing brandmark, often from an unsuspecting third party in another country and different continent to try to avoid legal issues, alter or adapt it to suit your brand and present it as their own masterpiece specially created for you.

They are sometimes so unscrupulous that they go as far as copying their fellow wannabes’ work in the same competition. Now if you really want to save the miserable US$50 or so, and want to be so cheap, you could do this cribbing job yourself. If the wannabes are genuinely honest, most of the work they submit is bad design, which is, at best, incomplete and exists only as a half-baked idea.

They lack the training, experience, talent or time to refine, progress and fully develop these ideas. This is also the reason why they are not able to offer the client backup and guidance. Some clients recognise this and, as a result of their frustration, try to rectify the flaws with suggestions, which reflect their own inexperience, sending the eager-to-please wannabes on countless wild-goose chases for almost the entire duration of the competition and with no real design solutions forthcoming.

At the end of the competition, as a result of this shotgun approach, all the client gains is, at best, a collection of ideas, which need to be refined or, at worst, an assembly of useless premature design abortions with their money down the drain, time wasted and still no brandmark.

Before you get your enterprises’ brandmark (logo) designed or redesigned, first read Face your brand! The visual language of branding explained available at http://faceyourbrand.co.za/. It will help you to create the right brandmark, save money and time and, in turn, it could make you thousands of dollars.

Alexander Greyling is the Author of Face your brand! and a top international branding expert. In his eBook he provides indispensable facts and logic for creating a successful visual brandmark through his seven essential elements. This eBook offers amazing value for money and the price is less than half-an-hour of a professional designer’s time and takes only a few minutes to download. For a free sample eBook, more information or to order a copy of Face your brand! visit http://faceyourbrand.co.za/.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Alexander_Greyling/433342

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/3225397