Making Laser Hair Removal Painless

Many tattoos cannot be completely removed and it’s quite common to have some ink left in the skin but our tattoo removal is different from the others. One the biggest concerns for men and women wanting to undergo laser hair removal is the pain involved. Although the procedure is pretty low in terms of pain levels, it does have a bad reputation for being a little more painful than other noninvasive procedures that involve laser energy, like VelaShape™ inch loss and cellulite reduction. Most patients who have had laser hair removal done describe every exposure to the device used to feel like a snap from a rubber band.

This can be a little painful depending on how sensitive you are. Some patients can get treated without anything to help with pain, while others absolutely insist on having a topical numbing cream, usually containing lidocaine, spread over the area before the procedure. A good amount should be used. After a few minutes, the numbing cream kicks in and this area becomes numb so that the patient doesn’t feel anything during treatment. It normally takes about 30-40 minutes for this to happen.

Numbing cream is the most common way to reduce pain, and generally the lidocaine content is at the maximum allowable in such products sold over the counter: 4 – 6%. Other anesthetic ingredients may be included as well, such as tetracaine, prilocaine, benzocaine and phenylephrine. To help the skin absorb the numbing cream faster and more effectively, a latex garment may be worn over the area, or even plastic wrap. Because anesthetics of any kind can be harmful to a fetus, pregnant women should not use them.

Another way to ease pain is to take ibuprofen (Advil) prior to treatment. This medicine can also really help. Take it alone or combine it with the application of numbing cream.

The level of pain associated with laser hair removal really varies depends on the patient, hair colour, skin colour, skin type and area treated. In general, the darker the skin or the lighter the hair, the stronger the laser energy required to effectively achieve results. Areas such as the bikini line and upper lip can be more uncomfortable to treat than smaller areas on the arms or legs. For women, sensitivity generally increases when experiencing PMS so it’s best not to undergo any laser treatment or other cosmetic medical procedure during this time if the pain factor is an issue.

Dr. David Ghodoussi Car Care Super-Chemist

Chemical stains caused by acidic contaminants are not easy to remove from your car but there is a car paint protection that can protect. The chemistry behind amazing car care products such as the Optimum range is no accident. We investigate the man behind Optimum Polymer Technologies, who great detailers have to thank for superior products such as Optimum Car Wax, Opti-seal and Opti-Coat.

Dr. David Ghodoussi (also known as Dr. G because he’s that cool) is from Memphis Tennessee. He studied Chemical Engineering at The University of California, Santa Barbara and obtained his Ph.D. and Master’s Degrees in Polymer and Organic Chemistry at Oregon State University in 1992.

He worked for over twelve years as an Organic Chemist, overseeing research and development focused in polymers and automotive paint formulations.

During his work in the 90’s developing clear coat paint formulations for manufacturers, David identified the need for new car care products that would work cooperatively with those new paints, leading to UV Car Paint Protection and Ceramic Coating.

Using his car care chemistry super-powers, he founded Optimum Polymer Technologies in 2001 and has been perfecting and reinventing the famed Optimum range ever since.

Colleagues and customers alike describe Dr. G as a customer service orientated perfectionist and a great guy. He has a deep respect for the environment and keeps that in mind when developing his revolutionary products. David’s success quote is “always do the right thing and never give up.”

Having worked in the chemistry field for nearly 40 years, David shows no sign of slowing down, with product distribution to over twenty countries and new products in the pipeline.

David’s first vehicle was a 1975 Toyota Celica. His automotive advice is, “you get what you pay for.” If he could choose any vehicle today, it would be a Lamborghini.

Thanks Dr. G, we’ll continue to enjoy your products as we see the happy faces of our clients reflecting in their outrageously shiny cars, and we look forward to seeing what you come up with next.

Detail Evolution is a professional mobile car detailing service servicing the Brisbane and surrounding areas. Car Paint Protection Gold Coast- Restore and maintain slick showroom shine with Detail Evolution. Using only the top of the range products, advanced formulas and precision application, we deliver phenomenal gloss and paint protection results. Opti Coat Brisbane- Opti-Coat is not a paint protection wax, sealant or Nano-coating that will wash away, or break down over time. The Opti-Coat ceramic resin produces a protective layer that is chemically fused to the factory clear coat, creating a permanent bond to protect the surface indefinitely.

Remedial Massage Cures Body And Soul

Chronic conditions such as lower back pain and arthritis can be cure by our remedial massage Northern Beaches. The name massage makes us think about the luxury and pampering and all the blissful things that you want to do to feel relaxed and enriched after all the stress your body goes through during the days of week. But mind well massage is not just about pampering one’s body; it has much deeper impact and serene values. It purges mind and soul too.

As the charisma of massages are attracting global attention and acknowledgement, how can one expect the city like Sydney to stay back in such front, remedial massages are especially creating a stir in Sydney; here we can know how and why:

What is a remedial massage?

Remedial massage is done to bring the body back to normal from the conditions created by straining activities undertaken or can be performed on the ailments and injuries where the skin is intact. This is done by the therapists who have better understanding of the anatomy and physiology to tread individual patient. Remedial massage is the acute solution to various such problems where other forms of treatments have failed to give any results.

Various injuries and conditions cured by Remedial Massage:

Remedial massages can enduringly cure many injuries and ailments which include:

• Shoulder and neck tension

• Migraines

• Headaches

• Sports injuries

• Back and neck pain

• Insomnia

• Adhesions

• Whiplash

• Frozen shoulder

• Repetitive strain injury

• Carpal tunnel syndrome

• Fibrositis

• Sinus Problems

• Paralysis

• Arthritis

• Hamstring injuries

Benefits of Remedial Massage:

• Remedial massage improves the flexibility and mobility by relaxing the muscles.

• It increases the blood flow and the lymphatic flow to rejuvenate the affected area.

• It speeds up the body’s own healing process by reducing the swelling and inflammation.

• Increases muscle tone and reduces stress tension which hinder the healing process.

Apart from the ailment related benefits Remedial massage has long lasting general benefits like the blood circulation is balanced out in the body which further relaxes the body. The mental health is strengthened through the massages as it relaxes the tissues and cells leaving you feeling fresh, active and agile. Remedial massage not only cures the injuries but also relieves from the pain for a long term by restoring the elasticity of the muscles; in the process the joints of the body gain greater mobility. It gives the overall stress relief along with better immunity to fight from such ailments in future.

It’s the fitness of our body that we rely upon for doing our day to day activity and at the same time wishing silently that the body remains free of any sort of illness or injury. As someone has rightly said health is wealth; it is time to become aware of the needs of the body and not to avoid the complaints that it makes to us. If you are suffering from any sort of pain however minor please be attentive to that and get it cured before it starts taking its toll from you. It is a blessing that such relaxing massages and remedial treatments are available in Sydney.