Why You Should Get Wheel Alignment Service For Your Car Regularly

The benefit of the Wheel Woolies comes from its metal-free design which reduces scratches and brush splatter. An automobile alignment is essential to keep cars suspension in its manufacturers specification. The vehicles components are adjusted to align the wheels so that they can properly roll over the road. A perfect alignment ensures that cars wheels and axles are moving in the same direction. For suitable handling and function, the manufacturer designates standard angles for alignment which are responsible for extended tire tread life. All Pro Tire Pros maintains your alignment through proper servicing with the aim of adhering to the manufacturers specifications. This makes your wheel alignment in Bluffton a lot better for your car. When it comes to the subject of auto leather conditioner, it is a subject full of bad information repeated by many misinformed people.

Proper Wheel Alignment in Bluffton Makes Your Vehicle Drive Bette

You already know that for perfect vehicle driving, your wheels should be directed in the same direction which is called awheel alignment. An improper alignment may cause imbalance in your car making you unable to move it any direction.

An Additional factor that you would notice while running your car in the Bluffton area is that if your wheels are not properly aligned, the tires will wear down very quickly. The reason is when your car pulls to one side, you need to steer it back straight. The tire damages rapidly because of frequent turning that can be very tedious on a long journey; your vehicle will be fighting to move straight along the way.

Factors That Throw Your Wheel Out of Alignment

The factors that affect your wheel alignment are; hitting a pothole, smacking a curb in an island or hitting into something like a rock. Even daily bumps during driving eventually result into misalignment of your vehicle. Therefore, keeping in touch with All Pro Tire Pros of Bluffton, SC is essential for regular alignments checkups.

Following are the main causes of loss of wheel alignment:

a.Hitting Concrete Curbs-We usually hit curbs at many points while on a tough driveway or hit the dividers that cause misalignment of a tire.

Moving over speed bumps: Hitting speed bumps at full speed severely affects your suspension and throws your wheels out of alignment. Additionally, a heavy car with higher speed adversely damages your wheels.

c.Drive over Potholes: As your vehicle drives into a pothole, it creates impact force that pushes suspension and wheels up and backside due to which your steering, suspension and wheel all together receive a severe jerk. Frequent jerks like this can cause extensive damage to tires, shocks and steering in addition to misalignment of wheels.

Factors contribute in extent of damage are speed, hole size and type of tire. Therefore you should drive slowly around the potholes or avoid them.

d.Accident: Even a nominal push to your vehicle damages the wheel alignment of your car. The alignment problems do not show any symptoms but they get worse with the passage of time.Thus, you should seek service for your vehicle after any accident.

e.Maintenance: We usually remember to get oil changed of our car. Similarly, wheel alignment must be included in your vehicle maintenance service. It is important for the safety and long term performance of your car. Undoubtedly, it improves the life of your tires and auto, offering a big savings in maintenance for your vehicle.

Get in touch with Pro Tire Pros today for an appointment to properly align and your tires at 843-815-5823

How to Sell Advertising Space on a Website

Before thinking about how to sell advertising space on your website, first you need to consider if selling advertising is something you really want/need to do. If your site is where you sell your own products or services, why would you want to display ads on it for other products or services? Think about it: If people who are interested enough to visit your site finally visit, do you want something posted there that will take them away, to another website? When printing stickers with us, you will have plenty of options with size, thickness and shape and they are processed in full colour so these stickers Sydney will continue to look fantastic.

The decision to sell advertising space on your website should be made only after questioning your site’s business objectives. Will offering visitors a way to leave your site cause you to lose customers for your own products/services? What is the value of placing ads there, to your site and/or your customers?

Product/Service Websites

If you believe placing ads for other sites will help your visitors in a way that you’re not able to help them, and if you believe doing this will add value to what your site offers, then by all means, sell ads. Just don’t make, hastily, the decision to place something on your site that competes for the attention of your visitors. Be sure that your primary intent is to give your visitors a better experience by adding more value to your own site.

Once you’ve decided to sell ads on your site, make sure the ads/links you publish will open into a separate window. Doing this will keep visitors on your site even after they click on ads or links to other sites. If you are signed up to take part in what is known as affiliate marketing, such as Pay Per Click, Adsense, etc., you will make money when visitors click on links leading away from your site. Still, you should take time to consider how adding anything, even money-making links, will affect your site’s “visitor experience.”
Blogging Websites

If you own a blogging site filled with information on a particular topic, such as new tech gadgets, then it would probably be a very good idea to sell ads for related tech products and services on your site. Blogs and sites filled with information can work well and “seamlessly” with advertisers whose products are relevant to the site’s content. When there is a strong relationship between the blog and the advertisers’ messages, the ads will not only offer income for the site owner, they will also add value to the site visitor’s visit.

Blogs with content related to a “niche market” (a niche market is narrowly focused on satisfying a highly specialized need), are good candidates for attracting advertisers. If you have a popular blog targeting a niche market, and if you need to make income from your site, selling ads might be a good idea.

Something You Should Know Before Selling Ads

I would caution you to make sure that maintaining solid, interesting content is goal Number One, always. Never allow the selling of advertising space to become more important than your website’s content. Keep in mind that advertisers are attracted to a site based on the number of visitors it gets, and visitors are attracted based on content. Since you would not want visitors to become annoyed or too distracted by advertising, when selling ad space you will need to find a good and workable “balance” between space devoted to content, and space devoted to advertising.

How Much Traffic Do You Need?

There are no rules that say you have to have a certain amount of traffic/visitors before you can seek advertisers for your site. Even if your site is brand spanking new, you are free to place ads on it—and you might have to place them there for free (giving away space, for free, in the ad business is called “gratis”). Why would anyone allow ad placement for free? Well, one reason could be that the site owner (or a relative) sells other products offline, and if the site’s visitors are potential customers for this product, it might be a good idea to place an ad on the site, along with a 1-800 number for potential orders.

Understand, however, that most advertisers will want to know for sure their ads will be seen by lots of people before they will pay for space on your website. For this reason, to sell ad space, most people have to wait until they know site traffic is on the increase, until they have a good amount of regular visitors, or until they receive a request from a paying advertiser (see link at the end of this article to my Hub “Website Marketing Ideas” to learn ways to build traffic).

When it comes to how much traffic you will need to attract paying advertisers, the answer is: It depends. A site with a low but steady stream of traffic; one that attracts visitors capable of being converted into customers for advertisers, for example, is much better than a site with tons of visitors who aren’t interested in what advertisers have to sell. Having lots of traffic is not as important as having the right traffic, and the right traffic is potential customers that advertisers are looking for.

Make Sure You’re Ready

Now that you’ve decided to sell advertising space on your site, there are some things you will need to do to make sure your navigation menu includes information potential advertisers will need. Be sure to include detailed information on the type of ad space you are offering (text or banner ads?), your pricing or rate information, and perhaps even a form potential advertisers can fill out to request more information about becoming an advertiser on your site. You will need to make it easy for advertisers to find out what they need to know/do. Be sure to provide as many details as possible about your site, information on your audience/visitors/traffic, and any other information that might help advertisers determine whether placing ads on your site could help them sell what they have to sell.

Next, I’ve included some important questions you will need to consider as you begin preparing to sell advertising space on your website.

1. Have You Decided What Space You are Selling?

You will need to be able to tell/show advertisers the size and types of ads you will sell (text or banner ads), and where you will allow them to be placed on your site. As you are making decisions, keep in mind that you should never interfere with your visitors’ enjoyment of your site. With this in mind, you should keep some site real estate private, meaning you should reserve it to be “ad free.” This should include space you devote to your own products or information about your services. Your site’s “Welcome” message, or if there is space where visitors sign up to get your newsletter, a free e-book, or your RSS feed, these spaces should be free from distracting elements like ads.

2. Are You Ready to Provide Information Advertisers Need?

Advertisers will need specific information about your site in order to make informed decisions before paying you to place ads on it. They will need data related to your site’s audience in order to determine if there is a good match between your visitors and what they have to sell. They will need to see data, called “analytics,” that can only be gleaned from research. The most widely used service for web research statistics is Google Analytics, a free service offered by Google that anyone can use to generate detailed statistics about a website (a premium version of the service is also available, for a fee). Google Analytics can provide information on a site’s visitors from all kinds of referral sources, including search engines, display ads, pay-per-click ads, email marketing campaigns, and even from links within documents (such as PDFs). It also shows what key words visitors used, what technology, and the demographics (statistical characteristics of a population) of visitors.

Advertisers need this information in order to determine which ads are pulling in which customers, so that—if necessary, they can adjust or readjust their message or its placement on a page or on a site. There are many other free and paid services providing website analytical services (including Piwik, W3Counter, and Clicky, among many others).

3. Are You Prepared to Learn, Continuously, About Your Site’s Visitors?

It will help to gather from your site’s visitors as much information as you can. What do visitors like most about your site? If they are a repeat visitor, why did they come back? One thing you could do to get answers to questions such as these is to include a comment/feedback request section on your site. Something else you can do to stay abreast of comments made online about your site/product/service is to stay in touch with visitors by utilizing social networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter. And, from time to time, you could get in touch with visitors by placing polls/surveys on your site (polling is made easier using services such as PollDaddy, Survey Monkey, or Twitter’s StrawPoll). Keep in mind you will probably need to offer visitors incentive to respond (such as a free e-book or article) to a poll, but it will be well worth it to have information that can be of great value to you and your advertisers.

4. Do You Know How Much You Will Charge?

You will need to decide how much you will charge advertisers to occupy space on your site and for how long. If your site is relatively new, it might be a good idea to offer space sales on a month-to-month basis. That will give advertisers a chance to find out if your site represents a good business investment. As you gain experience selling ads and as your site traffic increases, you can consider offering discounts to advertisers who want longer contracts.

A good way to determine what you might need to charge advertisers is by scouring the Internet for sites similar to yours that already sell ad space, and that have ad rate information you can look at. Or, if you’re signed up for Google AdSense, you can place AdSense units where you want to sell ads, find out how much you would make using them, then adjust and set your own rates.

5. Are You Ready to Accept Payment?

You will need to be able to accept cash and credit-card payments through your website. If you are not already set up to accept payments, you will need to do so if you plan to accept advertising. Pay Pal is one way to do this, but you will need a business account (called “premier”) if you plan to also accept credit card payments.

6. Are You Prepared to Make Contact with Advertisers?

After finding potential advertisers, you will need to make contact with them. Even though some potential advertisers might contact you through your website, others you will need to approach. How will you do it? It might be a good idea to compose and keep on your computer a letter that you can easily personalize for different advertisers. In it, be sure to introduce yourself by providing, briefly, information about you, your website, and why you are contacting the advertiser. Give enough details to let the advertiser know your site is a good match for his/her customers, and be sure to provide information on price, where ads will be located on your site, space/size availability, and so on. Keep the letter brief, no more than three paragraphs. After you make initial contact with the advertiser, If interested, he/she will contact you for more details/specifics.

Finding Potential Advertisers

The Direct Approach. Taking the direct approach to ad sales means you will be offering space to advertisers, directly, yourself—without going through a middleman or a middle channel. Where will you find potential advertisers? Take a look at websites with content similar to yours. Who is advertising on those sites? Perhaps these advertisers represent the most likely ones for your site as well. It might be a good idea to keep a folder in your bookmarks to keep the URL of sites you’ve seen, when surfing the net, that you think might represent good potential advertiser possibilities.

Another way to find potential advertisers is to think about things that are of interest to your site’s visitors. Remember the suggestion I made earlier about polling your site’s visitors? Now that you’re thinking about finding advertisers, you can see how important it is for you to know as much as you can about your site’s visitors. That’s because the interests of your visitors represent potential opportunities for advertisers with products/services related to those interests. You can also find advertisers by taking a closer look at any website that is linked to yours. These sites could feature products or services that could be advertised on your site, get in touch with them now.

The Ad Network Approach. If you decide there is too much work involved in selling directly (even though you will make more money using this method), you can opt to join an advertising network. The good news about this approach is it will open the door to more advertisers for your website, and you could end up selling more space. But, the not-so-good news is you will have to pay the network for helping you find advertisers. Still, you could find that selling more space might more than make up for the fact that you will no longer be able to collect all the dough. Some popular ad networks include: Google AdSense, ValueClick Media, BuySellAds.com, Chitika, and Yahoo! Publisher Network (and there are many others).

How Important Is Physical Fitness For Surfing?

Surfing is fun and is supposed to be fun. It is a great sport. However, if you are not in good physical condition, you will end up disappointed and not have fun. First off, if you are not in good shape for paddling, you will have a difficult time paddling your surfboard out through the incoming waves to get out to the spot where you can start catching waves. The paddle out to the best spot in the lineup to catch waves can be anywhere from fifty yards to four hundred yards. If you are exhausted when you get out in the lineup, you will have to spend good surfing time resting instead of catching waves. Chances are you might not even make it out there. Surfing app is a convenient way to see the action in water sports like surfing.

Some of you will be so out of shape that you will not be able to get through the incoming surf and will be forced to turn around and go back to the beach where you started. That doesn’t sound like a successful fun day of surfing.

I was once told that “couch potatoes don’t make it in surfing”. That really makes sense. This probably applies more to part time surfers because many surfers surf all year around. However, even the year around surfers have to stay in training to realize their maximum potential for a good surfing experience every time they go out.

Surfers need to stay motivated and keep themselves in good physical condition because you know that when the good surf comes you will be ready. What this means is that when there are days and sometimes weeks with no surf, you need to stay in the gym lifting weights, stretching, working on their core muscles and doing your cardiovascular training.

One good way to stay in good physical condition is to have a workout partner. Ideally your workout partner will be one of your surfing buddies and you will be able to motivate each other. If you get bored with the gym, go to the nearest body of water and go paddling and go running. This will keep your shoulders and cardiovascular system in shape as long as you spend at least a half hour of strenuous paddling on your surfboard, paddleboard or SUP. Don’t take the easy way out. Stay disciplined.

I think that you should all find something that gives you the inspiration to keep in shape so that when the good waves arrive you will be ready. Personally, my inspiration is thinking about getting in the water with good waves to surf and then surfing like a champion. For some of you, your inspiration could be the motivation of competition with your surf buddies and your desire to be better than they are. For others of you, you get your inspiration from watching surf movies and imagining that you are riding the waves. Then there are others who just want to make sure that they are in good physical condition and that’s what they do, they stay in good condition all year around.

Another very important aspect for your surfing success is the food you eat and the sleep you get. Good food and lots of sleep are a must. Healthy eating will make sure that you keep your weight under control, keeping the fat down and your muscles in good shape. Eight hours of sleep is recommended to give your body a chance to recover from the prior days activities and prepare you for the next day of hopefully good surf. You need these two items to insure that you are in good physical condition for your surfing fun and success.

One simple recommendation I will give you is to eliminate sugar, processed foods and wheat from your daily intake of food. Physically, you can do chest and shoulder exercises along with setups and cardio.

Be aware that your physical condition is a very important part, if not the most important part, of surfing. If you ignore staying in shape, you will not enjoy one of the best sports in the world. It will become drudgery and you will eventually gravitate back to the couch or some other activity that is nowhere near the fun you would have if you were surfing.

No matter what sport you take up, you have to be in good physical condition. Another thing is that you also have to be in good mental condition. If you know that you are going to surf and you are going to be exhausted from paddling before you surf, your mental approach to surfing will be bad. You need to be excited every time you surf. Being in good physical condition, having good waves to surf, and having a good mental attitude will make your surfing session a fantastic experience. You will be stoked!

There are a couple other things that need to be addressed that have to do with your physical conditioning. They are stretching and hydration. You need to be limber and all stretched out. It is important that you stretch your whole body every day, especially before you go surfing.

Keeping your body hydrated is also very important. Your body is approximately 66% water. You have to keep the water level up. It is very important that you drink lots of water every day. It keeps your whole body including your brain in good shape. Forget the cokes, alcohol and caffeine and stick with lots of water.

The last part of the puzzle is having proper equipment. If you spend the time getting yourself in good physical condition, then it makes sense that you should have the proper surfboard type and design to perform at your top level. It takes a strong commitment from you to get in shape, so make a commitment to getting yourself the proper surfing equipment.

Surfing is supposed to be fun. Get yourself in great physical condition and go do it! Take this enjoyment you will get from surfing and apply it to your everyday life. Always remember to Surf Life!

Oak Street Surf, [http://www.oakstreetsurf.com], is an online surf shop representing the latest surfboard products. Log in and get a good review of top of the line surfboard types and designs including bodyboards, skimboards, SUPs and custom longboards and shortboards.

You can talk with Chuck to discuss in detail the various options for you to ensure that you select the proper surfboard type and design that will bring you surfing fun and success. He is also a physical conditioning expert and can help you with your physical conditioning program for surfing.

Chuck believes that surfing, whether it is bodysurfing, boogie boarding, board surfing, skimboarding or riding a Standup Paddleboard (SUP) will change your life forever. You will be able to apply the love you will obtain from surfing to everything you do and will learn how to Surf Life! What a joy!!

Visit Oak Street Surf at [http://www.oakstreetsurf.com], the one-stop online surfboard and surfing equipment store, to find out more about surfboards, surfing, Standup Paddleboards, and what types and designs of water sports products are available. You will be able to talk to the experts with over 70 years of surfing experience.

Visit the site now!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Chuck_Herpick/1477936

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7640474