How To Plan A Group Picnic In 6 Easy Steps

Group picnic party are a great way to get family, friends, and even coworkers together for a day of fun in the sun.  But of course, these large get-togethers can’t just be thrown together.  Group picnics require a little preparation and organization to ensure that the day of fun runs without a hitch.

1) Decide on how many people to invite to your group picnic –

It’s important to be realistic when it comes to the number of people you invite.  A lot of your planning, from location to food, will depend on this number.  Of course, the number you come up with now will just be an estimate – you’ll get a more definite answer as RSVPs are returned.
While you’re thinking about numbers, start to compile a list of people you’d like to invite.  If this is the first picnic event you’ve ever planned, you might want to invite just your closest relatives and friends – people that you know will be forgiving when there are hiccups.

2) Decide on when to have your group picnic

There are a few things to keep in mind when planning the date and time to have your picnic such as weather and sunlight.  Prime picnic weather is in the spring and fall when the temperatures aren’t too hot or cold.  The closer you get to summer, the lower risk you have of snow ruining your event. 
You’ll also have to keep in mind the amount of sunlight available to you.  If you pick a date in early March when the sun sets early in the evening, you’ll need to either schedule it to start and end early or find some other lighting source.

3) Determine your budget –

Hosting a picnic is going to require some money.  You’ll need food, drinks, tables, napkins, and silverware, just to state a few.  Now is the time to decide on how much you want to spend on this picnic.  You’ll also want to check in with those around you to see if they want to kick in some funds towards this party.
Once you know how much you (and others) can put towards the picnic, sit down and create a budget.  This will help keep you on the right path financially and allow you to easily see how to balance out overspending in some areas with under spending in others.

4) Decide on a location for your group picnic –

Now that you have an idea of how many people might be showing up to your picnic, the date and time you want to hold it, and the money available, it’s now time to decide on a picnic site. 
There are great group picnic locations every where around you.  Some are the usual suspects, like local parks, lakes, and beaches.  Others are a bit unusual, such as local campgrounds, attractions, fairgrounds, and even local churches.
When you visit sites, you’ll want to make sure that there is enough room to hold everyone you plan to invite.  Also, you’ll want to check to see if there are enough tables, BBQ pits, and bathrooms for you and your guests to use.  If not, you will have to make arrangements for others to be brought in.
Once you’ve decided on a location, check with the owner or local agencies to see if a permit or reservation is required for your picnic.  Most of the time, these fees are minimal and help to support your local township.

5) Decide on your food and drink for your group picnic

Now it’s time to think about everyone’s favorite part of a picnic – the food!

There are usually four catering choices:

  • do the cooking yourself
  • buy ready-to-eat platters from a grocery store
  • have the event catered
  • have a potluck meal where everyone brings a dish to share. 

The same sorts of choices go for drinks too.  You’ll need a wide array of sodas, tea, and water to keep everyone happy so if you decide to buy them yourself, head on over to your local warehouse store and buy then in bulk.

Allowing alcohol at your picnic depends on a lot of things.  Some cities, counties, and property owners won’t allow it because of liability concerns.  If it is allowed, it will be your responsibility to ensure that people drink responsibly and don’t drink and drive.

Whatever you decide to do on this subject, make sure that your guests know your decision.  The last thing you want is for Uncle Joey showing up to your picnic at a “dry” park with a bottle of Jack Daniels.

6) Pick up the incidentals for your group picnic –

First of all, make sure that you and your guests have something to sit on.  If your site doesn’t have enough picnic tables or benches, you might have to rent or borrow chairs for the day.  For the younger set, borrow a selection of large rugs or blankets for them to sit on so the chairs can be used by those that need them.

Also, don’t forget about your plates, cups, napkins, and trash bags.  Disposable paper items can be found at your local warehouse or party store.

Some other incidentals you might want to look into are:

  • music (mp3 player or stereo)
  • decorations (flowers, balloons, streamers, etc.)
  • games and/or piñata
  • disposal cameras

5 Ways to extend the life of your car paint

Has your car lost its shine? Has your car been looking a little bland? Well, with all the weathering and dust that’s on Indian roads these days, your car paint has deteriorated significantly over the course of the year. Not only do we have to take care of things ‘under the hood’ but the major chunk of the car rests on the surface of its body — the exterior Paint. Taking care of your car paint adds to the beauty of your car. The paint protects the body of the car from corrosion by the rain and minute particles of dust, gravel, etc.

So here are 5 ways to protect your car paint across the seasons. We’ve also made a video list to help you take better care of your car’s paint.

PS — If you like the video, share it with your friends… Subscribe to our youtube channel.

In summers, the weather is hot and dry in most parts of India (especially North India — Delhi). The heat is intolerable during the afternoon and we don’t realize that the heat is taking a toll on the body paint of the car that is exposed to the sun. The U.V. rays from the sun lead to premature fading and oxidation of car paint, that doesn’t only demean the car’s looks, but also makes the inner metal body vulnerable to corrosion.


Get your car washed every day. By washing the car frequently, dirt and debris that’s settled on the car body get removed. Why? If settled for a longer duration, the dirt gets baked into the paint by the sun. This makes removing the dirt difficult and ultimately causes the paint to fade. So, simply pressure spray your car with water and watch all that dirt wash away…

So, don’t resist yourself from spending your weekends washing your car, as there’s no harm in washing your sweet ride.


When you’re done with the wash. Use a microfiber cloth to wipe the car. The water that’s left after the wash leave mini patches of mineral salts on the car body that keeps accumulating over time. These mineral patches also promote the premature fading of paint and should be avoided.

Simply, Hand dry the car after washing with the cloth. You can also use an electric dryer/blower to keep your car clean.


It is probably the simplest method to protect your car paint in the Summers. Keeping the car in the shade is recommended at all times.

Find a parking spot that’s covered and keeps the car away from the sun. You can park your car under a tree (Not recommended during Rains), in a shed or in the basement is available.


Made up of synthetic U.V protective fabric, the body cover not only protects your vehicle from the sun but also screens it from dust, rain and chemical pollutants.

It’s also recommended if you don’t have a parking spot in the shade. The Car body covers are portable and easy to use.


Waxing your car regularly doesn’t only give the body a comprehensive shine, but also makes the paint job glossy and buffs the surface to a smooth finish.

The wax creates an extra protective layer on the paint job that acts as the line of defence against U.V radiation, dust particles and chemicals.

That’s pretty much it. If you follow these 5 steps then you can extend the life of your car paint and extend its shine. You can also do your best to keep away from dusty roads.

How to Paint Rims Black with DupliColor Wheel Paint

It’s amazing what a little Dupli color touch up paint can do! But why not learn how to paint rims black? Here’s a few simple steps to create that new hyper black look for your car wheels. Waxes and sealants are considered old technologies for car paint protection, as they are proven to have a low melting point.

Step #1: What is the Condition of Your Rims? 

Your paint is only as good as the surface it is on. Therefore, it’s very important to make sure you assess the condition of your rims, then correct any issues before using your DupliColor spray paint. Generally, most issues occur from ill-treated rust or wheel imperfections.

Rust on Rims

Painting over rust is a huge mistake! Rust will continue to bloom through coatings that are ill-equipped to inhibit growth. This includes your sleek new black rim finish.

Use a product like Dupli-Color Rust Fix, which is a product designed to kill your wheel rust, converting it into a sand-able surface. Once sanded, your rust problem should be solved as long as your wheel is painted with a sealer. 

Advice: For about $8, Rust Fix can treat any rust issues that you may have. Before you use the product, sand or scrape off any heavy rust areas. If there are any large imperfections, use a metal filler to create a smooth surface. Then, use the spray paint!

Another product that kills rust on the spot is Permatex Rust Treatment. With a chemically induced PH change, the rust on your rims will blacken and turn into a sand-able surface.

Step #2: Sand & Prime the Surface

Once you’ve corrected the issues, it’s time to make sure the surface is 100% consistent and ready for coatings. To do so, it is strongly recommended to sand the rims. The goal of sanding is to make sure a new surface profile is created. A new profile will give the primer and finish a substrate to bite onto. If your rims are glossy, they need to be deglossed! Sanding or chemically deglossing are the most effective ways to prepare the rims for a wheel coating. Here is a sanding chart to help you choose the right grit for the job:

Advice: Unless you have some serious imperfections or surface contaminants, a grit of 220-600 will do gently dull the metal substrate. 

Time to Prime!

If you are getting ready to apply that sharp-looking black rim paint, STOP! Don’t think about using that car touch up paint over bare metal! Sure, the coating might hold for a few weeks – even a few months. However, you’ll have to touch up your rims again. Why not maximize the efficiency of your black wheel paint? To do so, it is strongly recommend to prime the surface with a rust-preventative, metal adhesion primer.

Before you spray, always make sure you have proper ventilation and are spraying away from fire or flammable objects. Use tape and masking paper to keep over spray from dusting other surfaces. 

Dupli-Color offers the following primers:

Dupli-Color: Adhesion Promoter: You may have experienced coatings that did not “grab” onto the surface you are painting. Adhesion Promoter is a primer that strongly latches on to wheel surfaces that may be slick like, promoting a bond coat. Use this product if dulling the surface is hard to do. Dupli-Color: Primer Sealer: After sanding your wheels to a smooth finish, Dupli-Color offers a general-purpose primer that will promote adhesion, fill-in hairline cracks, and create a consistent surface for your finish coat. Dupli-Color: Rust Fix: Dupli-Color Rust Fix is a product designed to kill your wheel rust, converting it into a sand-able surface.

Advice: For about $6-10, you can buy Dupli-Color primers from big box stores, like Walmart, or retail auto stores. To help the coverage of your finish and to make the finish more aestically pleasing, use a Gray metal primer.

Step #3: Finish the Job by Applying a Black Wheel Coating to Your Rims

With a rust-free, primed surface your rims should be ready for the finish coat paint job. Get ready to do at least two coats of the top coat. Most products recommend at least two coats to create a paint film to product specification. 

Before you can do anything, you need to buy the product. Dupli-Color offers the following paint for your wheels:

  • Dupli-Color Premium Gloss Black Enamel: An excellent high-solids enamel that will cover great and dry to touch within 30 minutes. Be ready to spend about $6-10 for each can and it will take one can to do two coats, per rim. Get the Gloss Black Color #DA1600 to achieve that hyper gloss black look! 
  • Dupli-Color Wheel Coating: Finish your wheels with a track-tested Satin Black Enamel #HWP104 to make a sharp look, while getting optimal durability. This is Duplicolor’s premier wheel paint. 
  • Dupli-Color Shadow Chrome Black-Out Kit: Create an awesome black chrome finish by using Dupli-Color Shadow. This black-out chrome effect is created with a two-part system. One part is a translucent black base to create the desired shadow look, then a second clear gloss finish adds durability and dimension. This kit will cost about $15-20. You may need to have a few kits to complete a set of four wheels.